› Software Reliability Engineering ‹
Software Reliability Rngineering (SRE) is an engineering discipline for applying scientific know-how to a software component in order to ensure that it performs its intended function, without failure, for the required time duration in a specified environment. The purpose of SRE is to assure that released software meets its reliability requirements using both data- driven quantitative modeling and analysis as well as qualitative analyses.
The aim for evaluation the reliability of a software or product is to determine whether the software has met an established reliability objective and facilitate improvement of product reliability. We have the experience to guide you in providing the methods, equations, and criteria for quantitatively assessing the reliability of a software or product.
› Provided Services ‹
Identification gaps in your software
We will help you identify gaps in your software development process
We can help you to verify your datasets wrt. to completeness and correctness.
Determine release stability
We know solutions that can help you to evaluate true reliability of your AI models.
Prediction additional test duration
If the required reliability of your software is not achieved, we will determine how many more testing hours are required to meet it.
Predition remaining defects
We will help you to estimate remaining defects in your software and effort which is required to remove them.
Software reliability growth models
We will support you in selection of the optimal software reliability growth model for your software